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Mahesh 'Matt' Krishnan:

a disciple of Dr. Nithiyanandham since 1985 shares his experiences and spiritual philosophy grounded in the tradition of our guru Dr.Nithiyanandam.


Here is a poem I wrote a few years ago but may not have shared it. I found it again at a good time ... A birthday poem for the one and only …..

Dear Dear Doctor in my heart
How can I begin to explain your art
Amidst everyday life you play the part
Like an invisible magician, a class apart

You lit the lamp from which pours heavenly light
Even while human, the experience of divine delight
In constant remembrance of you, hardship takes flight
the stars twinkle with meaning, not a doubt there in sight

As the voice of silence you grandly rule
My awareness is always in your school
Keep me close, don’t let me play the fool
I wonder, I wonder why I still lose my cool

You opened my mind and heart with understanding love
Patiently, one day at a time, softly as a pure white Dove
we were shown intricate places that reason comes to bow
surrender brought the confidence of something from above

You are not apart from me and never will be
It is in the play of light that we recognize thee
With no apparent effort, like a wishing tree
You gave me all I need, and all that I can see

I want nothing and yet foster many an ambition
Not driven by ego anymore, but your inspiration
All I can do is thank you for all we have been given
I am now sure that earth is a special place in heaven

-Mahesh Matt Krishnan

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